Former Inmates for Change

Here’s What You Can Do to Be Successful……

  1. Create a Reentry Plan: Work with a case manager, counselor, or social worker to create a personalized reentry plan that outlines short and long-term goals, including employment, housing, education, and support services.
  2. Secure Identification and Documentation: Obtain necessary identification documents such as a driver’s license, Social Security card, birth certificate, and any other relevant paperwork to facilitate access to services and employment.
  3. Explore Employment Opportunities: Seek assistance from job training programs, career centers, or reentry organizations to develop job skills, update resumes, and search for employment opportunities. Consider transitional employment or volunteer work to gain experience and build a work history.
  4. Address Housing Needs: Research housing options available for returning citizens, including transitional housing programs, halfway houses, and supportive housing initiatives. Work with social services agencies or housing advocates to secure safe and stable housing.
  5. Access Healthcare and Mental Health Services: Enroll in health insurance if available and schedule medical and mental health appointments for any immediate healthcare needs. Seek counseling or therapy to address emotional and psychological challenges associated with reentry.
  6. Attend Reentry Programs and Support Groups: Participate in reentry programs, support groups, or peer mentoring initiatives to connect with others who have experienced similar challenges and receive guidance, encouragement, and practical advice.
  7. Address Substance Abuse Issues: If applicable, enroll in substance abuse treatment programs or support groups to address addiction issues and maintain sobriety. Seek assistance from counselors or support networks to develop coping strategies and relapse prevention plans.
  8. Stay Connected with Family and Support Networks: Reconnect with family members, friends, or mentors who can provide emotional support, encouragement, and assistance during the reentry process. Build positive relationships and establish a support network to help navigate challenges and celebrate successes.
  9. Adhere to Probation or Parole Requirements: Comply with all conditions of probation or parole, including meeting with supervising officers, attending required programs or appointments, and refraining from criminal activity. Seek guidance from legal aid organizations if facing legal issues or challenges with supervision.
  10. Continuously Assess and Adjust the Reentry Plan: Regularly review and evaluate progress towards reentry goals, identify any barriers or challenges, and adjust the reentry plan as needed. Stay resilient, remain focused on personal growth and positive change, and celebrate achievements along the journey of reintegration into society.